KKR Plastic Chain Scrapers and further SSR Screw-conveyor Scum Removers at the WWTP Canove di Govone, Italy
The sewage treatment plant Canove di Govone in Piemonte, Italy was extended in the year 2016 by the erection of the final sedimentation tanks of “Linea E”. Tschuda was allowed to deliver the mechanical technology for the two tanks via the Italian partner Huber Technolgy S.r.l.
At this project the first KKR Plastic Chain Scrapers and two more scum removal systems of type SSR-1 were installed at this WWTP close to the city Alba. The installation was done in the middle of September and at the beginning of November the frist tank was put into operation.
Site manager Fabrizio Boffa explained: “Right now we have water for just one tank. You must know that everything is working just fine and we are completely satisfied.”
4. Delivery after 2012, 2013 and 2015
In the year 2012 the frist 2 SSR Screw-conveyors Scum Removers were installed in intermediate settling tanks. Only 1 year later also the two primary sedimenation tanks of “Linea B” were equipped with the scum removal systems of Tschuda. Again 2 years later also the 2 primary sedimentation tanks of “Linea A” were refitted – as always together with the Italian partner Huber Technolgy S.r.l.
So when the 2. final sedimenation tank of “Linea E” will soon be put into operation, altogether 8 scum removal systems with swimming screws and 2 KKR Plastic Chain Scrapers will work on this plant.